Praia da Galé

This time, I took my new remote with me. It’s the most basic one - there is just one button. You press it to press the shutter and then you can lock it down until you release it to release the shutter. That’s nice because you don’t need to nervously keep pressing it until you get a cramp and because it’s a remote, you don’t shake the camera by pressing it. It doesn’t have any bells and whistles, no digital timer etc. And it’s OK. I've noticed that there are some apps available to tell you the “correct” time, but I usually just guess it based on the 30s result, time it on my watch and then adjust if necessary. A second here or there doesn’t really matter when shooting in RAW.

I arrived to the beach around the sunrise, as usually. That day, there was a triathlon going on so some roads were going to get closed. I knew that I had to leave before 10, otherwise I’d be stuck there until the last athlete finishes. And that can take a while - from my personal experience… 😅

I didn’t need to worry about that at the end - the weather was a bit worse than expected. 15 degrees is very nice for a triathlon, but less nice if you’re dressed for hot summer and spend two hours knees deep in cold ocean whipped by rain…

I was really enjoying myself there - carrying the camera very carefully when balancing on the stones covered in slippery seaweed of the most intense green I’ve ever seen. But soon I started to realise that all other people (fishermen) were wearing long sleeves, boots… and I was there in my T-shirt, shorts and barefoot. Finally I decided to take last shot and head home - and again, that was the moment when weather changed! Instead of a light rain, the sky opened and a huge cloud-burst started to pour the rain on me. And it was quite a walk back to the car… Later, It took me several hours to start feeling warm again and I actually got sick two days later. It was worth it!

About a month later:

I was experimenting with Lightroom and Photoshop today trying to explore some new stuff and I realised that if I blur the horizon in this picture, I love it! The line was rather distracting. So here we go, a new version!

If you’re interested in prints, let me know!


Raising a Human - Part 2


Raising a Human - Part 1