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Photography with Purpose: My Monthly Free Photo Session Project

I believe that the power of a single photograph can change lives. I am passionate about capturing the essence of people, products, moments, and the beauty of nature, and I am committed to giving back to my community. That's why I've launched my monthly Free Photo Session Project, a heartfelt initiative designed to make high-quality photography accessible to those who need it the most.

  • My Mission

    I understand the significance of a great photograph. It can tell a story, promote a business, capture memories, inspire change, and bring the beauty of nature into your home decor. My mission is to use my photography skills to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals and businesses in my community who may not have the means to afford professional photography services.

  • How It Works

    Every month, I offer a free photo session to one selected individual, business, or organization. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur with a dream, a charity project making a difference, or an individual facing life's challenges, I'm here to help. Applying for my Free Photo Session Project is simple. Just reach out to me via WhatsApp, email, or Telegram, and let me know how a professional photo session could benefit you.

  • Who I Choose

    I carefully select my beneficiaries based on various criteria, including:

    Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Are you launching a new business but lack the resources for high-quality product catalog photos? I'm here to support your entrepreneurial journey.

    Charitable Causes: Do you run a charity or community project that resonates with me? Let me help you tell your story.

    Individuals in Need: Are you facing personal challenges or starting a new chapter in your life, making it difficult to afford professional portraits? I want to celebrate your resilience and strength through my lens.

    Please understand that my selection process isn't objective, and I cannot accept complaints or disputes regarding the chosen beneficiaries. I make my choices based on my personal judgment and the information provided in the applications.

  • Project Availability

    I must note that I can't guarantee that I will be able to execute the project every single month. As a human and a parent, I sometimes go through difficult times too and may not have the capacity to undertake the project. However, I will do my best to maintain a regular schedule. There will usually be only a few photos as a result of a Monhtly Free Photo Session.

  • Publication Agreement

    If you apply for my Free Photo Session Project, you agree to the following terms regarding the use of the photos:

    I will publish the final photos or unfinished photos and photos and/or videos from the photo-session on my website and social media.

    I may also publish photos or videos of the editing process.

    Ideally, I may publish photos of you too.

    By applying, you consent to these terms and grant me permission to use the photographs for promotional purposes and to showcase the project's outcomes.

  • Don't Be Shy

    Remember, no matter how big or small your project or wish is, it's important to me. Whether it's a product catalogue, a stylized portrait, a home decoration featuring the beauty of nature, or any other project, your vision matters. Don't be shy; reach out to me and let's make your photography dreams come true.

  • Get in Touch

    Do you or someone you know fit the criteria for my Free Photo Session Project? Reach out to me today through WhatsApp, email, or Telegram. I look forward to hearing your story and how I can make a meaningful impact through the art of photography.

  • Join me!

    Join me as I embark on this journey of compassion, creativity, and change, one photograph at a time. Together, let's capture the moments that matter most, celebrate the beauty of humans, and nature, and uplift the spirits of our community.