Holidays with Kids in Albufeira, Algarve - Playgrounds

No affiliate links or sponsorship going on here - my honest recommendations and criticism. Pictures used are taken from Google maps or by myself.

Some things simply are not on the maps in Portugal. I remember struggling when we arrived to Algarve. I was searching maps for playgrounds and activities, but they were not there - nobody needs it here, everybody knows. And if they don’t know, they ask… a little Italy here. I have added couple of new points on the maps, but giving a complete overview on a single page may be more useful. Here are my recommendations:

Playgrounds in Albufeira

Best for Winter or Evenings

There is no shade there and it’s usually not very windy here. That makes it perfect playground for autumn and winter months to keep everyone nice and warm. And a deadly place to be during summer days. There is a small cafe nearby.

Best for Hot Summer

With many trees around, that’s a place where to go during late spring and summer days. There is a lake nearby for a short walk. It’s covered in silt, therefore not for swimming. Sometimes, there is an unpleasant smell of a wastewater going around. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Still, together with the previous one, the best in Albufeira.

A Quiet Place

From some reason, this place is usually very quiet, not many people there, if any - that makes it ideal for shy kids. It’s a very nice playground with a giant fun amphitheatre nearby.

Whole Family Playground

This playground for kids is rather smaller, but don’t despair because there is also an outdoor gym for adults and another one for retirees. Kids are usually happy to try it all and adults can have some fun too. Don’t forget to check the subway under the roundabout, it’s beautifully decorated.

There are Lidl and Aldi 300m from the playgrounds, up the hill.

Shopping Centre Playground

It’s technically not in Albufeira anymore, but close enough to get here easily. And it’s a fun one. Many families use it to take pressure off (weekly grocery) shopping: You can split - one makes the shopping and the other one rests at the playground with the children.

Another Playground

This is simply another playground, without a name, in the middle of not so shiny neighbourhood, yet quite nice one. Not a bad place, somehow not my favourite, but we still go there once a while and kids like it.

Playground in Vilamoura

Surprisingly, there are not many awesome playgrounds in Vilamoura. I know about this one only. It’s a big one, with a bit of shadow, swings, slides, climbing and a locomotive. Really nice one.

Let me know which one was your favourite! Have I missed any?

I’ll share more tip for other adventures, shopping and healthcare in next chapters.


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