A Second Try - Another Mistake

…continuation of “A Second Try - Frustrating City“

I decided to quickly take more pictures before the sun got too strong. There was a problem: I was experimenting previously on a beach and used my tripod folded in the sand and waves - it was covered in wet sand. BTW Portuguese sand it super sticky. And the camera was a bit sandy too. I’m no expert in weather sealing, but I’m pretty sure that when you set a camera up and almost every move makes a scratchy and squeaky sound of sand, it’s not good!

I cleaned what I could and did my best to keep the sand away from the most sensitive parts of the camera. I took couple of pictures and headed back to the car - the clouds looked rather suspicious.

As soon as I turned the engine on, a storm came. What a feeling. Early morning, most people still in bed. I got my pictures, my fresh air, washed my feet and hands in the ocean. Sitting in a warm car and watching the storm outside. You should have seen faces of the runners. It was clearly a strong experience for them too. Poor guys!

And the day only just begun.

RAW vs. processed

Lens surprise

There was unfortunately a dark cloud in all the silver lining. Later, I discovered that when using my old lenses with my new camera, the size of a picture is very small! That partially ruined my excitement. All the pictures are pretty small. They won’t do for a print larger than one meter for sure 😞.

If you’re interested in prints, let me know!


Why to stop “just doing our job”


The Selfie - Before and After