Portraits of Kely in the Ocean

It all started with an idea - let’s take a photo with a magical look of a beautiful person ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ ▊▊ ▊▊▊ ▊▊▊▊▊ (I don’t want to spoil it). I asked Kely if she would be OK to be my model - it was clear that it would require some hard work, posing in the ocean, getting wet, possibly cold, and keeping an elegant look under such circumstances. No ordinary portrait. A professional model performance.

And she said “yes”! We thought about going for a mermaid look, but the costume was a bit too expensive. We thought about a white light and airy dress, but in the end, we found a beautiful one, dark blue.

I wanted a cloudy sky and the forecast was clear that the last day of cloudy weather would be Friday. It’s very rare to have clouds here during summer! The dress was supposed to arrive on Wednesday. And it didn’t. Thursday was a public holiday (no deliveries here). On Friday morning, I was starting to accept that we would need to re-schedule because according to the package tracking, the dress was far away. And all of a sudden, the courier arrived with the dress!

I picked Kely up in the evening and we arrived at the beach. My worries about the tide being too high were unfortunately fulfilled. The location that I wanted to use was underwater. And the waves were giant. It was the last evening with cloudy weather in a long time, we were both ready and excited and we couldn’t take the photo because of the tide. Did we give up completely? Of course not! We improvised.

We managed to do some different photos, still great. We both got flushed over by the waves and soaked wet. It was so bad that we both had to sit on a towel in a car on the way home 😆 It was fun and I’ve learned many lessons. E.g. in ‘P"‘ mode on my Nikon, if I turn the camera OFF and then ON, the setting resets to default, not the previous (yep, some photos were ruined before I noticed).


Photoshop Edit: Kely

