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About My Journey
At the age of 17, I had the opportunity to explore the world of photography thanks to my karate sensei, who generously lent us his professional camera during a summer camp. Despite my lack of knowledge in photography, I eagerly seized any chance to use the camera. I experimented with various angles and zoom settings, pressing every button on the camera, even though I had no idea what most of them did. Capturing moments through the lens fascinated me, and I felt honored to document the joyous, sun-soaked (or occasionally rain-drenched) moments with my friends as we pushed our limits. It's worth noting that these summer camps resembled military survival training more than leisurely karate sessions. After each camp, I'd return home, exhausted, and sleep for at least 16 hours, leaving my worried mom wondering if I was still alive.
For the next 15 years, I scarcely took any photographs. Occasionally, I toyed with the idea of delving deeper into photography, but I couldn't afford a camera, and my fear of not grasping the technical aspects held me back. I believed that photography boiled down to light passing through lenses, which sounded like physics, a subject that had always intimidated me and I was always told by my teacher that I was not good enough. If you can relate to my experience, you might agree that school often felt monotonous, stressful, and forgettable, with 90% of what we learned fading into obscurity. Am I right?
Eventually, as smartphones became ubiquitous, I snapped pictures here and there. The urge to learn about photography grew stronger, and when I was expecting my daughter, I found the motivation I needed.
During this period, I realized that I held the power to determine what I truly wanted to learn and pursue, regardless of others' opinions or my educational background. I discovered that I could teach myself new skills through books, the internet, and guidance from friends—so why not photography?
A friend generously donated me an old camera, and I immersed myself in photography books, watched countless YouTube tutorials, and felt an overwhelming sense of joy.
Leaving to take care of a baby, I finally escaped the realm of disillusionment and despair that often accompanies corporate employment. Corporations tend to resist change, as it disrupts their established norms, which provide a sense of security. It's easier to complain than to initiate change - a sentiment I couldn't abide. If something doesn't work, complaining won't fix it; action is required. Each of us bears responsibility for our choices, even choosing not to act is a decision. I really suffered at my work. I could see the problems, everybody agreed and complained about them, but making changes “was too difficult/risky/complicated…fill in what your boss says”.
Today, I'm a free individual, making the changes I desire in my life. I'm a content mother and an independent photographer, driven to inspire others to take control of their lives and make decisions to transform their circumstances. Imagine a world where everyone took action to change what they disliked. Wouldn't it be a remarkable place? We could find fulfilling jobs, quit smoking, exit harmful relationships, choose who we pay taxes to, and get improved healthcare and education. We could experience freedom and happiness.
Am I a dreamer with naive ideals, or will people awaken to the possibility of making the world a better place? Can we swim against the current, rejecting senseless actions? We are all cogs in a vast system; perhaps it's time to pause and consider the bigger picture. Are our actions meaningful? Or are we merely spinning in response to the gears around us?
We need not be concerned about our shortcomings; what truly matters are our passions and our willingness to assume responsibility for our lives. We can make choices; we simply need to acknowledge that fact. Other people's opinions are their concern. When we permit ourselves to pursue our passions and what we believe makes sense, that's when we can truly change the world.
So, whenever you gaze upon one of my photographs, remember that you hold the power within you to make choices, assume responsibility, reclaim your life, relish your freedom, and honor both yourself and others. ❤️✌️