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Lightroom cleanup

How Does It Happen That I Have Such a Chaos in My Photos

I’m not sure what is your curve of excitement throughout a photoshoot session, but here is mine:

I am excited and nervous before taking the photos. After taking them, a relief comes (if I haven’t screwed up) together with another wave of excitement to edit the photos. I edit the best photos, the excitement get lower. I kick myself into editing the rest that is worth it and then I drop out and get excited for another project or session.

This leads to lot of mess in my photos. I ofter hesitate - shall I delete what I am not completely sure about at the moment? I leave it for later because I don’t want to delete a nice photo just because I couldn’t see that it was nice. That has advantages - I don’t miss many great photos. And disadvantages - I have thousands of terrible photos in my Lightroom together with great ones and it’s a pain to sort and tidy up later.

I am better at using rating now, but especially at the beginning, it was complete chaos.

Tidy up Time!

So I have decided to tidy up. I have gone though thousands of old photos and I’ve found some which I haven’t published, but I think that they are not so bad. What do you think?

This image was taken in Switzerland couple of years ago. It was a magical place, but I didn’t manage to take many photos - we all got sick and spent the holidays in fever…

This place is about 30 minutes drive from me and it has such a great potential. I somehow just miss the right weather… Hopefully next time. This is not bad, but I’m sure I can do much better.

Quite random photo from a beach - Praia da Falesia I think.

One of the beautiful beaches near Albufeira. Not a bad photo, just missing something. I need to try again later.